This is the first of several planned phases of route placement/editing development now underway. Manual Route Editing – Preserving 45 Corners: The manual route editing algorithms have been improved to better maintain 45 degree cornering during route editing operations. Filled vias are exported in a separate drill file and marked as IPC-4761 type VII (filled and capped) in the Gerber X2 output. BGA) and invoke the via filling command from the right click context menu. Simply drag a selection box around the area (e.g. Resin Filled Via Support (NCVF): There is now support for resin filled vias, typically used with via-in-pad. This ensures that the uncoupled distance is minimised while also cornering in at 45 degrees, rather than at right angles.

Use the live coverage monitor to work towards compliance of your testpoint strategy.Define clearances, board sides and other rules.

Set minimum numbers on a net class basis.Dedicated support for testpoints throughout the software.